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Home > Crystals > Awesome Congo Citrine Lightbrary Earthquake Crystals w/Phantom
Size: 2.5 in x 2.1 in x 1.9 in

Weight: 5.6 oz

Stone Type: Citrine

Country: Congo

Chakra: All

Awesome Congo Citrine Lightbrary Earthquake Crystals w/Phantom

$45.00 Item is SOLD Item #842
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The golden hues of this citrine lightbrary are so rich and warm. The interior has a soft white phantom while the termination shows the bright cleavage and repair of an earthquake crystal. Tiny rainbows dance around the interior like fireflies. A nice array of students surround the main crystal. Overall the crystal is in remarkable condition with just a few minor bruises.

Their energy is warm, wrapping you in a cocoon of security, giving you the tools to boost your confidence and self-reliance. It will help you find the lessons you have mastered so far, incorporating them into who you are. This group helps you focus on the positive, aiding you to overcome the fear of failure. Better to have tried and failed than to never have tried again. Of course then she'll tell you that if at first you don't succeed; try, try again! She is a source of optimism and encouragement.

Natural citrine is one of the rarer varieties of quartz available. Some of the most beautiful specimens come from the Congo region, both for their deep natural golden color and warm energies. Their energy is bright and warm, yet infused with a deep sense of wisdom. They bring with them a strong sense of joy that is positively contagious, giving you boost both physically and emotionally. Citrine lightbraries are identified when a large crystal is surrounded by smaller crystals at its base. This formation is deeply reminiscent of students clustered about a Master Teacher learning their lessons. The formation gives these unusual and beautiful crystals the energy of a University of higher learning, and has informally been dubbed “Lightbraries” after their Brazilian counterparts. Lightbraries are said to house the Libraries of Light, and much knowledge and wisdom can be gained by working with these beautiful citrine crystals.

Earthquake crystals are a general term we've coined for a type self healed crystals. The main body of the crystal has been completely shorn in two separate pieces, but has managed to reheal after the rending experience. The crack usually appears as a fault line running through the crystal. These crystals have been very useful in working with abusive trauma from childhood. They work well in giving a safe place to return to while one puts the pieces of their lives back together.

Phantom quartz records the stages of growth of a crystal. Phantoms mark a time of no growth, where another mineral has settled on the surface before the crystal began to grow again. Sometimes they mark a different growing condition, creating bands of color, like smoky or amethyst phantoms. Because phantom quartz shows a record in time, they are perfect for those who wish to work with past life recall. They also help you to identify patterns, and the evolution of healing. This is especially helpful for those working through trauma or abuse. Often the same issues crop up over and over again, leading you to believe you are not making any progress. Phantom quartz helps you to look back and see the progress you have made. You may be working on the same issues but now from a higher perspective. Different inclusions will focus the energy in specific ways, for example smoky phantoms are particularly good in breaking old patterns and blockages.

Phantom quartz is especially good for children, assisting them with learning to meditate. Use phantom quartz during stressful periods, or periods of change to facilitate a more peaceful transition. It is also an excellent stone for assisting with healing from abuse issues. It helps one to see the progress in healing, and identify patterns.

Cathedral quartz is a beautiful quartz formation that is often confused with the geode formations, such as amethyst. Cathedral quartz often forms lesser points that frequently resemble turrets of medieval castles. Frequently they are highly etched and many have record keepers as well as trigonic record keepers. Cathedral quartz is associated with the higher realms and is a high vibrational crystal. They store an amazing amount of information. They work with you to open your higher consciousness. They keep one moving forward along their path, helping to prevent stagnation and regression. These crystals have gentle energy which is often very powerful. Their soothing energy makes them beautiful additions to meditation and healing work. Cathedral quartz crystals are master healers and will work on all levels and chakras. They are also excellent assistants in group work such as meditations or healing rooms.

These crystals have doorways in them, more often than not, in their castling definition. To travel into the crystal, just gaze into the doorway, you will see it open and your consciousness will be drawn into the crystal. From there you can travel into different chambers and receive information that you are ready for at that time. You can also travel in inner and outer space in complete safety within the crystal.

Clear Cathedrals are referred to as Lightbrary Cathedrals. Lightbraries are said to house the Libraries of Light! Citrine lightbrary cathedrals bring a rich healing energy that truly excel when working on the physical and spiritual bodies. For healers they help to bolster confidence in your work and to trust your intuition and abilities.

Natural citrine has long been one of our favorites of the quartz world. Iron inclusions in the quartz formations give rise to beautiful hues of yellow to yellow gold. This desirable color is often imitated by heat treating amethyst, which gives a more orange hue to the crystals. Natural citrine stimulates the solar plexus and crown chakras assisting one to bring higher vibrational energies into the physical body. It can give you an energetic pick up at any time by placing at your solar plexus and breathing deeply for a few minutes. Visualizing bright white energy streaming into your solar plexus will boost its effect. The warmth of citrine has a soothing effect that counters anxiety and stress. Personally, I use citrine in conjunction with labradorite to help keep panic/anxiety attacks at bay.

Citrine is also known as the "Merchant's Stone". It is quite helpful in acquiring and maintaining wealth. It is an excellent stone for clearing the aura and for aligning the auric body with the physical structure, diminishing the "muddy" areas in both the aura and the physical body. It can act to stabilize the emotions, to dispel anger, and to encourage one to "look toward the sunrise", the freshness of beginnings and the reality of excellence.

General Properties of Citrine

Good For:
Fear -
Abundance -
Anxiety -

Urinary System -
Digestive System -

Properties Specific to this Item

Good For:
Fear -
Trauma -

Pain -
Adrenal Function -
Overall Healing -

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