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Home > Crystals > Extraordinarily Pink Record Keeper Lemurian Seed Dow Quartz Crystal
Size: 7.25 in x 2.75 in x 1.5 in

Weight: 1.7 lbs

Stone Type: Lemurian Seed Crystal

Country: Brazil

Mine: Joaquim Felicio

Chakra: All

Extraordinarily Pink Record Keeper Lemurian Seed Dow Quartz Crystal

$2,450.00 Item is SOLD Item #332
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This magnificent Lemurian Seed is one from Mary's personal, but the crystal has been giving promptings that it is time for her to continue her journey and find her new companion. This pink Lemurian is from the original find of Lemurian Seeds.

Her formation is truly incredible, she is a large Lemurian, with exceptional clarity. And her color cannot be mistaken for anything but pink. Her shaft has beautiful horizontal striations, and has a patch where she is etched from contact with another crystal. Her faces are in the 7-3-7-3-7-3 configuration of a Dow crystal which amplifies her spiritual energies. Several large record keepers adorn her faces, clearly visible in the pictures below. A minor bruise at her apex is visible as well as a few minor ones on her shaft, but this does not diminish her majestic presence or her energy.

This beautiful spirit radiates heartwarming energy. Holding her you are washed with a sense of peace and serenity lifting the weight that sits on your chest and shoulders. She engulfs you in a pink bubble that feels like a fluffy cloud. Within the cloud she allows you to find yourself, to explore your innermost being in a protected space. She opens your heart to be truly present in the moment, to feel with all of your senses. She brings a childlike joy back into your life, helping you to regain your enjoyment of the simpler things in life. She helps you to step outside yourself, to see your life from another's prospective, broadening your perspective. She teaches you to create and respect your personal boundaries, it is just as important to know when to say no as when to say yes. She assists you to gently purge deep rooted emotional issues that can lead to simmering anger, resentment, guilt, sorrow, and selfishness. She helps you embrace these emotions as a part of yourself, to accept them, let them go and then move forward. Removing these emotional blocks allows your vibrations to reach higher levels. She is truly a personal companion, opening and broadening your horizons, expanding your awareness as you go forward.

The Transmitter/Channeler quartz crystal is recognized by a configuration of three seven-sided faces, adjacent (on both sides) to a three-sided face. This structure combines the qualities of the transmitter crystal and the channeling crystal. Some people call these crystals Dow or Tao crystals. They provide for a continuous connective force between the holder of the crystal and "All That Is". It is the crystal for creativity and service to humanity through both spiritual and mystical pursuits. It allows access to the records relating to each question or thought and, even without focusing, provides intuitive awareness in all situation.

A crystal that has pyramidal or triangular shaped symbols that are either engraved into or are raised on one or more of a crystal faces is called a Record Keeper (RK) or Recorder. These symbols are not easily seen and usually need to be searched out by looking at the crystal in a bright light while closely examining the faces. It is believed that the Record Keeper is one of the most sacred crystals because it holds the wisdom and knowledge of the universe. When a person is properly attuned to a Record Keeper, this knowledge is readily made available. This knowledge is ancient knowledge and contains profound secrets and esoteric knowledge of the whole of the Higher Consciousness. It takes an open mind and a pure heart to access this knowledge.

A long slender crystal that tapers inversely from base to termination is called a laser wand. It is believed the laser wand can be used to clear negativity, create protective barriers, focus healing energy to self or others, and assist in performing psychic surgery to remove attitudes that may be causing disease.

It is said that all wand crystals were developed on Earth by other planetary beings; they are said to have developed not by growth, but via thought projection. There crystals have an intimate relationship with both inner and outer space.

The use of laser wands during meditation facilitates the establishment of a finer communication with the other worlds, the crystalline world, and the inner world of the self. These crystals radiate a loving energy and have been recognized as a constant course of the brilliant white light. When one holds a laser wand, the energy tends to surround the body, providing for a protective barrier.

The laser wands often have unique etchings or marks on them. They were once used in the healing temples of Lemuria, the markings indicating the records of experiences "they have seen". They contain information with respect to healing methodology which has been proven successful over eons of time and throughout the universe. They have been accessed during the meditative state and have provided information concerning techniques utilized in Lemuria and on other planets.

Lemurian Seed Crystals were found at the top of a hill that was being strip-mined for quartz in Brazil. What made these crystals unusual is that these naturally formed crystals were found separately in sand, and were not attached to clusters. Many have a pink to reddish glow, but they are also found in golds of citrine, browns of smoky and sometimes smoky-citrine. The vast majority of these unique crystals are clear quartz, but instead of being shiny, they appear frosted or dull - like they have a matte finish. Their most unique characteristic is a series of horizontal striations running up one or more sides of the crystals. Usually, these distinct horizontal striations end in a triangular face, forming the apex of the crystal.

Lemurian Seed Crystals are believed to be a gift from the earth from the far reaches of the ancient civilization of Lemuria. What appears to be a clouded appearance are, in fact, the growth lines or striations of the crystal, recording the ancient knowledge of Lemuria. It is believed that although the physical civilization ended, the consciousness of Lemuria has never left, but has been kept alive in the earth with records of that precious knowledge being seeded in the crystals for later use. Lemurian seed crystals assist in creating a holographic connection between inner earth, the surface of earth, as well as with the stellar regions.

Lemurian Seeds can be used to open and cleanse all chakras and meridians. It is particularly powerful in opening and expanding the Heart chakra. Once open and cleared, the energy of the chakras and meridians can allow one to make well-supported transformational changes in their life. These crystals are a blending of "down-to-Earth" energy with the mystical realms of the past, other present, and future. The energy in Lemurian Seeds multiplies and focuses the overall energy of Quartz many times.

Lemurian Seed Crystal Quartz carries an understanding of polarities (yin/yang, male/female, good/bad, right/wrong). With polarity as a focus, a person can see that all issues have multiple viewpoints and that by understanding these and integrating them, a person can produce a better overall Whole Self within.

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