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Home > Crystals > Fairy Kisses > Golden Spirit Quartz Cluster
Size: 2 in x 2 in x 1.25 in

Weight: 2.1 oz

Stone Type: Quartz

Country: South Africa

Mine: Magaliesburg

Golden Spirit Quartz Cluster

$20.00 Item #2804
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This beautiful cluster has been cut to self stand, but that also helps you see the quartz shaft that is surrounded by its glittering companions. The energy is high and bright, yet very stable and grounded at the same time.

Spirit quartz has such amazing energy similar to elestials, but packs more of an energetic punch. The pieces just sparkle with such vitality, no matter the size of the piece. Their energy is never “too much” it is always just right. These crystals are such powerhouses, due to the “coat” created by the dozens of glittering points around the main crystal. They create movement of energy as they both send and receive energy like a double terminated crystal, just increase many fold! They are multi-faceted healers and teachers. Spirit quartz is not a common find as it once one, especially any with an amethyst hue. Spirit quartz is perfect for any area that needs energy movement, or for grids or body layouts to move stagnant energy.

Spirit quartz crystals have energy of the perfect balance of duality, male/female, the important aspect of this duality not being the manifestation of two opposites, but rather the perfection that can be found in the balance of the two. A single crystal exhibits more energy emanating from the shaft covered in tiny crystals, than it does at the tip. It also assists in bringing the 'group' energy of other crystals to the surrounding environment, enhancing harmony and peace in groups, in the family, and in other social and/or business environments.

The crystal is a wonderful companion when one is experiencing the loss of a loved one, bringing understanding of the process and assisting in transition (for both.) It has also been used to activate and to cleanse other minerals, to enhance and to increase the energy of other minerals, and to activate the properties of the same. It enhances the energy transfer of other minerals to stimulate healing on all levels, and can also stimulate the manifestation of abundance in ones life (abundance on the sense of more of something-directing the energy of the Spirit Quartz toward that which is desired and has been shown to facilitate an increase in that which is manifested.)

The energy is multi-functional; energy moves outward in many directions and this Quartz structure has the capacity to draw or transmit energy through many paths provided by the crystals covering the main structures. It is quite useful for energy magnification and for stimulating all portions of the physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, and subtle bodies.

Clear quartz is made up of silicon dioxide, the most abundant mineral on the planet. No wonder it is the most common tool in the mineral kingdom, as well as the most versatile. I like to call it the general practitioner of the crystal world as it works with all chakras. Clear quartz is also known as white quartz or milky quartz when it has an abundance of interior veils and planes. Often crystals will have a mixture of different clarities throughout the interior. Quartz crystals are graded on their clarity, luster, and overall condition of the stone, with the higher degrees of clarity being more valuable. It is interesting to note that although chemically the same, quartz from different regions vibrates with subtle differences. Quartz attracts and enables you to use more life force energy. Have it around you, on you, or in elixir form, in you! Quartz seeks to bring balance on all our bodies’ levels. Quartz has the ability to receive, store and send energy, this makes it a powerful manifestation tool.

Hold/gaze into the crystal, put your thought/need (what you wish to manifest) into the crystal, the crystal receives the thought (and the feeling behind the thought) then stores and transmits those thoughts and feelings into the ethers. Thus, even while you’re not thinking about that particular manifestation, the crystal is still putting it out. Thus drawing your manifestation towards you at a much greater rate than before. Power tools, you have to love ‘em!

Many refer to this process as programming; many books state that a crystal can hold only one program. They have just found a way to store terabytes of data into a single bubble that makes up the mist you see in the Quartz. My feeling is that Quartz crystals can in fact hold and run more programs than we could give in a life time! Quartz is one of the most flexible crystal tools around. It is very responsive to our intent, what you intend is what you get, to this point it is also one of the most powerful tools and should be treated as such.

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