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Home > Crystals > Large Elestial Calcite White Moldavite Crystal
Size: 1.1 in x 1.2 in x 1 in

Weight: 22 gr

Stone Type: Calcite

Country: USA

Mine: Arizona

Chakra: All

Large Elestial Calcite White Moldavite Crystal

$170.00 Item is SOLD Item #2079
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I've been resistant to working with white moldavite for years, simply because of its name. Moldavite is one of the few stones we will not work with because it is an open door that you cannot control. Good things can come through that door, but it's extremely difficult to get rid of the bad things that can come through too.

I recently had a chance to explore some white moldavite in a peaceful setting. I was quite pleased to learn that white moldavite is actually a rare form of calcite from the deserts in Arizona. It's moniker applies only to the intricate etchings that resemble the green space debris. It helps to release stress and allows for transition and change. It brings a feeling of happiness or joy as the self relaxes into its true nature. It can help to clear blockages and remove past patterning as it gently supports our emotional well being.

The etched quartz crystal can be recognized by the existence of abrasions upon the outer areas of the crystal. The abrasions appear to be a type of hieroglyphics. This formation has been used to facilitate contact and the transfer of information from the Ancient Egyptian civilizations and from Lemuria and Atlantis. The transliteration of the symbols brings information relevant to ones life at the time of translation. They were once used in the healing temples of the ancient civilizations and the markings also contain information of experiences in which they have participated. They also have contained information with respect to the healing methodology which has been proven successful over eons of time and throughout the universe. They have been accessed during the meditative state and have provided information concerning techniques utilized in the ancient civilizations of the Earth and of other locations in the universe.

Etched quartz is usually a personal meditation crystal. Meditation with the crystal is easily accomplished by placing the hieroglyphs upon the third-eye. Subsequent to placement, close the eyes, still and open the mind, initiate circular breathing, relax, and be prepared to receive the information.

If one is meant to experience an etched quartz crystal, the universe will provide. The etched crystal which is made available to one contains the information which will be beneficial to ones personal development and/or will provide information which will assist one in helping another.

Calcite is a family of calcium carbonates that occurs in a wide range of colors and formations. Most commonly it occurs in opaque masses but it can occur in a wide array of crystalline habits. Calcite is a soft mineral, with a Mohs hardness of 3. Because of its relative softness it is often carved or polished. Rough pieces are usually given an acid bath which softens the rough edges and give the stones a silky sheen. Calcite has an amazing energy that refreshes and revitalizes, yet is still gentle. They help to remove blockages and break up old patterns. The wide range of colors ensures there is a calcite for every chakra. These strong yet gentle healers are easy to work with no matter your age, and even vibrate well with our feathered and furry friends. Calcite is a great all round healer and can be found in a wide array of colors. Energize your body’s natural electrical system using this crystal in your hands, at your feet or chakra point. You may use spheres, eggs and wands for massage. Placing your feet on a large piece will energize the whole body out of sight. Calcite comes in many colors, forms and locations. It is a crystal of fantastic variety and each one has its own benefits. Due to its electrical nature, Calcite makes for a potent elixir. Calcite is a crystal to help one get out of ruts, or break through blockages on just about any level. It is also a crystal for ascension.

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