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Home > Crystals > Fairy Kisses > Rippled Pastel Polished Ammonite Fossil
Size: 1.3 in x 1 in x 0.35 in

Weight: 0.3 oz

Stone Type: Ammonite

Country: Madagascar

Rippled Pastel Polished Ammonite Fossil

$8.00 Item #2736
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This sweetie has been polished to show of the beautiful iridescent pastel colors. It is a nice size to wire wrap.

Ammonite is a fossil of an extinct sea predator that lived over 65 million years ago. They belonged to a group known as cephalopods which are known today as squids, octopus, cuttlefish and nautilus. The ammonite shell is made of the mineral aragonite, a form of calcium carbonate and is divided into a series of air chambers. The series of air chambers allowed for ammonite to float. Their energy is quite dynamic and energizing. The spiral shape aids in past life regressions, enabling you to see what has come before. We have found the pastel ammonites to have a lighter almost fairy energy compared to ammonites with a bold red and purple flash which is much more invigorating.

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