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Home > Crystals > Small Etched Pink Lemurian Quartz
This lovely Lemurian has a soft pink hue and warm heart energies. Some minor damage at her termination adds a depth of compassion to its energy. The balanced energy makes her a lovely companion crystal. The crystal feels really good in the hand, aiding your focus and lowering stress.
Lemurian Seed Quartz Crystals are considered the "go-to" healing crystal of metaphysical world. While each one is an individual, they all have strong healing energies and are considered companion crystals. Their energy works both crown and heart chakras, helping you to "see" more clearly. They aid you to work towards your personal goals, working not only the emotional and spiritual bodies, but often the physical as well.
They wash away the cobwebs in the mind, assisting with mental clarity, aiding you to find patterns, and to see the truth that lies below the surface. They open your mind, expanding your horizons and pushing the boundaries of your usual comfort zone. You'll be encouraged to try new things and you'll find more opportunities to explore presenting themselves to you. However, you must learn not to close the door on opportunity before it even presents itself. To this end, they also help you move beyond your preconceived notions, opening your mind to the possibilities that await you. Lemurians are perfect tools during meditations and healing sessions.
Lemurian Seed Crystals were found at the top of a hill that was being strip-mined for quartz in Brazil. What made these crystals unusual is that these naturally formed crystals were found separately in sand, and were not attached to clusters. Many have a pink to reddish glow, but they are also found in golds of citrine, browns of smoky and sometimes smoky-citrine. The vast majority of these unique crystals are clear quartz, but instead of being shiny, they appear frosted or dull - like they have a matte finish. Their most unique characteristic is a series of horizontal striations running up one or more sides of the crystals. Usually, these distinct horizontal striations end in a triangular face, forming the apex of the crystal.
Lemurian Seed Crystals are believed to be a gift from the earth from the far reaches of the ancient civilization of Lemuria. What appears to be a clouded appearance are, in fact, the growth lines or striations of the crystal, recording the ancient knowledge of Lemuria. It is believed that although the physical civilization ended, the consciousness of Lemuria has never left, but has been kept alive in the earth with records of that precious knowledge being seeded in the crystals for later use. Lemurian seed crystals assist in creating a holographic connection between inner earth, the surface of earth, as well as with the stellar regions.
Lemurian Seeds can be used to open and cleanse all chakras and meridians. It is particularly powerful in opening and expanding the Heart chakra. Once open and cleared, the energy of the chakras and meridians can allow one to make well-supported transformational changes in their life. These crystals are a blending of "down-to-Earth" energy with the mystical realms of the past, other present, and future. The energy in Lemurian Seeds multiplies and focuses the overall energy of Quartz many times.
Lemurian Seed Crystal Quartz carries an understanding of polarities (yin/yang, male/female, good/bad, right/wrong). With polarity as a focus, a person can see that all issues have multiple viewpoints and that by understanding these and integrating them, a person can produce a better overall Whole Self within.